National Instruments Corporation 782915-01

NI USB-7855R - R Series Multifunction RIO with Kintex-7 70T FPGA

GSA Schedule / 80 Days

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National Instruments Corporation 782916-01

NI USB-7856R - R Series Multifunction RIO with Kintex-7 160T FPGA

GSA Schedule / 50 Days

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National Instruments Corporation 780143-01

VXI-8360T, VXI-MXI-Express Trigger Board Only

GSA Schedule / 50 Days

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National Instruments Corporation 782357-01

NI PXI-2797 40 GHz 6x1 Terminated Multiplexer (SP6T)

GSA Schedule / 80 Days

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National Instruments Corporation 781037-01

NI PXIe-6674T Timing and Synchronization Module with OCXO

GSA Schedule / 50 Days

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